Anxiety - Do I have it? What are my treatment options?

Anxiety – Do I have it? What are my treatment options?

In the U.S., approximately 40 million adults suffer from anxiety. Anxiety comes in many different forms with the most common being phobias, panics, generalized anxiety and social anxiety. No matter what form of anxiety you are experiencing, a Licensed Professional Counselor can help. 

Are you experiencing anxiety?

  • Do you worry about a lot of things often?
  • Do you think you worry more than you should?
  • Do you spend more of your time worrying than not?
  • Have you been worrying excessively for the last 6 months?
  • Do you experience restlessness?
  • Do you have trouble concentrating?
  • Do you notice muscle tension?
  • Does your worrying cause you to lose focus at school or work?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it is likely that you are experiencing anxiety. You don’t have to suffer in silence. A Licensed Professional Counselor can provide you with a medical diagnosis, and can create a treatment plan without harsh drugs that best fits your individual needs and goals. 

What type of anxiety are you experiencing?

There are many different types of anxiety. You may be experiencing one or more types of anxiety at a single point in time. No matter what type or how many types of anxiety you are experiencing a Licensed Professional Counselor at Whole Village Counseling can help. 

A common type of anxiety is phobias. If you struggle with phobias, you may find yourself trying to avoid things that make you extremely uncomfortable: driving in tunnels or over bridges, being in tight or enclosed spaces like an elevator, or even going outside where insects and bugs are present. You may go out of your way to avoid these fears at all costs, no matter how inconvenient it may be.

You may find yourself reacting out of an irrationally heightened fear response when you are in situations that stimulate your phobia(s). If you experience phobia-related anxiety, you are likely aware that your reactions to these situations are irrational, but believe them to be uncontrollable. You can learn to control your reactions through treatment with a Licensed Professional Counselor at Whole Village Counseling. Don’t let your phobia(s) control your life. 

Phobias often lead to panic. Panic is a different type of anxiety that is identified by your rapid heartbeat or breathing, sweating, and shaking among other symptoms. You may experience panic attacks that last for as little as 15 seconds while the symptoms linger on for anywhere from 30 minutes to hours after the attack. Panic disorder is often diagnosed from a fear or history of having panic attacks. Panic disorder may affect your quality of life causing separation between you and the people and things you love. You can overcome panic disorder with help from a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Social anxiety is another common type of anxiety. Social anxiety affects over 19 million people in the U.S. Do you experience extreme fear of embarrassment or humiliation in social situations? Does this fear often cause you to avoid social settings at all cost? If so, you may be suffering from social anxiety. If you find yourself avoiding public places, feeling nauseous around others, or worrying days or weeks before an event, it is likely you are experiencing social anxiety. Over 35% of adults experience social anxiety and go without treatment because it can be difficult to ask for help. A therapist at Whole Village Counseling wants to help you. Reach out to start conquering your social anxiety.

If you suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), you may be hyper-concerned about money, health, loved ones, or work. You may find yourself expecting the absolute worst outcome when there is no logical reason to expect it. If you suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, you may find that your worrying puts you in a state of distress, often with no readily understandable reason why the situation warrants that level of worry. You may also feel inclined to control every situation. With GAD affecting 6.8 million adults in the U.S., you are not alone. Help is only one click away with Whole Village Counseling.

What type of treatment can help you when you experience anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one treatment that a Licensed Professional Counselor may use to treat the anxiety. This treatment will focus on identifying, understanding, and changing your thinking and behavior patterns as they relate to the anxiety you are experiencing. A CBT-trained therapist at Whole Village Counseling may also use interpersonal therapy to focus on helping you develop coping skills to navigate through the anxiety. 

A Licensed Professional Counselor may also use dialectical behavior therapy to treat the anxiety. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) focuses on mindfulness. DBT introduces contradictory ideas such as accepting your life’s current state and being empowered to improve it simultaneously.

Guided change and energy psychology methods have also proven effective in relieving symptoms associated with the anxiety you experience. These methods encourage the identification of root causes of anxiety in a gentle and elegant way. Using guided change models such as Logosynthesis and comprehensive energy psychology allow for a natural, gentle approach to overcoming the anxiety you may be experiencing.

Reach out to Whole Village Counseling in Portsmouth, VA to speak with a Licensed Professional Counselor for an anxiety diagnosis assessment and individualized treatment plan to meet your needs.