Hope + Connection + Healing Happen Here
Specializing in mental health and substance abuse, Whole Village Counseling welcomes you to take the first step toward hope and connection with us today—reach out to begin your path to healing.
Here Comes Hope.
With locations in Portsmouth VA, Carrollton VA and online options too, Whole Village Counseling offers outpatient mental health counseling, substance use assessments, and substance abuse treatment programs throughout Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Our practice is founded on the principles of hope, connection, and healing. It is a love of people that drives our mission and we believe we are called to heal the broken hearted and restore hope to the hopeless.
Whole Village Counseling serves those experiencing difficulties in life with the goal of holistic healing.
- We believe suffering is not necessary and we aim to neutralize the underlying contributors to suffering.
- We believe in recovery and you will find this reflected in our strengths-based approach to care.
- We operate knowing “as long as there is breath, there is hope.”
Whole Village Counseling offers an array of services to meet your individual needs. Whether you are looking for an outpatient therapist, a substance use assessment, or an intensive outpatient program, we are here to help you.
Whole Village Counseling will partner with you to meet the needs of your clients and patients. If you have identified additional support may be beneficial, we will work to coordinate care for the best outcome.
Whole Village Counseling welcomes licensed clinicians, certified professionals, residents in counseling, graduate interns, and other professionals in the mental health and substance use field to apply if our mission resonates with you.

A Convenient Connection